07 janeiro 2008

Fondue com batatas


1 kg de tomates maduros
2 xícaras de água
1 colher (sopa) de maisena
1/2 xícara de vinho branco
400 g de queijo emmenthal, itálico e/ou gouda cortado em cubinhos
1 colher (chá) de manjericão seco
Sal e pimenta-do-reino a gosto
Batatas grandes cozidas

Modo de Preparo
1) Mergulhe os tomates rapidamente em água fervente para retirar a pele e as sementes.
2) Cozinhe-os na água até ficarem macios. Passe por uma peneira.
3) Coloque o purê de tomate em uma panela para fondue. Leve ao fogo e deixe ferver.
4) Misture a maisena com o vinho e adicione ao purê de tomate. Cozinhe por mais alguns minutos.
5) Junte o queijo e o manjericão aos poucos, mexendo bem.

Sirva quente, assim que o queijo derreter. Coloque o fondue sobre as batatas cozidas.

Rende 4 porções (+/- 6 batatas)

27 dezembro 2007

Crumble de Pera com Creme de Whisky - Sugestão para o Ano Novo


* 6- 7 peras portuguesas
* Açúcar mascavo
* Canela em pó

1. Corte 6 peras portuguesas em lâminas longitudinais.
2. Cubra o fundo de uma forma ou tigela de vidro com uma camada de fatias de pera.
3. Coloque açúcar mascavo e canela.
4. Faça mais uma camada de fatias de pera.
5.Coloque açúcar mascavo e canela.
6. Faça camadas até que as lâminas de pera acabem.

Coloque por cima uma farofa de:

100g de açúcar mascavo
80g de manteiga
100 g de trigo

Leve ao forno por 30 minutos.


100g de açúcar mascavo
50g de manteiga
whisky a gosto
leve ao fogo até a manteiga derreter. Quando estiver pronto, adicione um copo de creme de leite fresco.

Cubra o crumble com o creme. Sirva quente.

Sugestão: Sirva com sorvete de creme.

13 setembro 2007

I can't have no affair because it's wrong pie (Vanilla Meringue & Banana)

Recipe of "Waitress", the movie.

200g digestive biscuits, crushed
125g demerara sugar
125g butter, melted
2 large eggs
200g caster sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
500ml milk, scalded
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 banana (optional)
3 egg whites

1. In a medium bowl, mix the digestive biscuits, brown sugar and melted butter together until well blended. Press the crumb mixture into a 23cm (6cm deep) loose-based tin. Preheat the oven to 220C.

2. In a large bowl, lightly beat the eggs. Mix in 75g of the caster sugar and the salt. Slowly stir in the hot, scalded milk and the vanilla extract. Strain the mixture into the pie crust and sprinkle the cinnamon on top.

3. Bake on the lower shelf of the pre-heated oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until the curstard is firm.

4. In a large glass mixing bowl, whisk the egg whites until stiff but not dry. Gradually beat in the remaining caster sugar, whisking well between each addition until very stiff and shiny.

5. Scatter the banana over the custard (if using). Spread the meringue on top of the pie, return to the oven and cook until the meringue is slightly brown. Cool for at least 15 minutes befor cutting.

Pregnant Miserable Self Pitying Loser Pie (Blueberry)

Receita do filme "Waitress"

1 packet (450g) shortcrust pastry
200g blueblerries
190g caster sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon cornflour
100 ml water
3 eggs, beaten
170g demerara sugar
280ml glucose syrup
170ml double cream
6 tablespoons butter, melted
125g uncooked rolled oats
100g finely chopped fruitcake
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 tbsp brandy

1. Line a 25cm loose-based tin with approximately two thirds of the shortcrust pastry. Reserve the trimmings. Chill the pastry case in the fridge until ready to use.

2. Heat the blueberries, 40g of the caster sugar and the lemon juice in a saucepan until the juices begin to run form the fruit. Mix the cornflour with the water, then stir a little of the hot juices from the pan into the cornflour mixture. Stir this mixture back into the pan and continue stirring until thickened. Set aside to cool.

3. Pre-heat the oven to 180C

4. In a large mixing bowl, combine the eggs, demerara sugar, remainging caster sugar, glucose syrup, cream, butter, oats, fruitcake and vanilla extract. Mix well and stir in the blueberry mixture. Pour into the prepared pastry case.

5. Roll out he remaining pastry and cut into long strips about 2cm wide. Create a lattice on top of the bluebarry filling, by laying out the strips of pastry at 2 cm intervals across the pie, turning the pie 90 degrees and adding a second row of pastry strips to form a criss-cross pattern.

6. Bake in the pre-heated oven for 45 minutes or until browned and set.

7. Pour the brandy onto the hot pie and set fire to it carefully with a match. Allow the alcohol to burn off and serve.

Falling in Love Chocolate Mousse Pie

A receita vem direto do filme Waitress.

1 x 20cm cooked sweet pastry case
1 (400g) can condensed milk
170 ml water
150 g caster sugar
40 g cocoa
20 g cornflour
30 g plain chocolate
570 ml double cream, stiffly whipped, plus extra for decoration

1. In a large saucepan, combine the condensed milk, water, caster sugar, cocoa and cornflour, whisking until smooth.

2. Over a medium heat, add the chocolate and stir continuously until it melts and the mixture thickens. Remove from the heat and beat until smooth. Leave to cool and refrigerate for 15 minutes before folding in the double cream.

3. Pour the mixture into the prepared pastry case and chill for 4 hours or until set. Decorate with whipped cream and serve.

31 agosto 2007

Pimentão cheio

Tire o cabo do pimentão, abrindo um buraquinho por onde passará o recheio.
Tire as sementes com os dedos e lave bem os pimentões por dentro e por fora.

Recheie com carne moída já pronta, (cozida e temperada)

Jogue azeite por cima e leve ao forno até quase queimar de um dos lados. Vire os pimentões e deixe corar do outro lado também.

Bolo de São João - Porque ninguém é de ferro de comer só comida inglesa...


2 xícaras de chá de açúcar
2 xícaras de chá de leite
2 xícaras de chá de fubá
2 ovos
1 xícara de trigo
1/2 xícara de óleo
1 pitada de sal
1 colher de sopa de Royal

Ponha tudo do liquidificador e misture.

Jogue numa forma untada e polvilhada com fubá e leve ao forno até dourar (mais ou menos 30 minutos)